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  • CLUB MANAGEMENT, I am aware that the pressure of sport puts the management of an injury under extreme stress.

  • MEDICAL PERSONNEL  I can act as a sounding-board for the professionals managing the day to day care of  athletes - and their injuries - to assist and encourage faster recovery - with a ‘two heads being better than one’ approach.

  • INDIVIDUAL SPORTSMEN AND WOMEN. For the individual athlete, I understand the sportsperson’s psychology, needs, aspirations, goals, timeframes and pressures. Accordingly he combines this understanding with his experience of dealing with coach, family and allied trainer/therapists to identify opportunity areas that would encourage an optimal outcome.

  • POST-OPERATIVE PATIENTS I am highly skilled in post-operative recovery especially of the difficult/complex knee post-surgical athlete.  I am chosen by many knee orthopaedic consultants to assist with those particularly stubborn knees that are not responding to the expected recovery outcomes. Experience established as a founding clinical director of Balance Performance Physiotherapy (established 2001), a leading rehabilitation clinic in London where I developed a strong  dynamic reputation towards rehabilitation

  • FRUSTRATED PATIENTS. Those who have been to many therapists and yet still struggle to get their goal or ability to return to their pre injury level. I flourish on the challenge and I am keen to use my wise set of eyes in a fresh manner to those who have become fatigued with dull rehabilitation that is not showing success.

  • ALL PEOPLE WITH ASPIRATION TO RECOVER and IMPROVE QUICKLY. With his wide-ranging knowledge of tissue-healing, rehabilitation, sport specificity recovery and excellent specific quality strength and conditioning knowledge, the athlete is offered a full package route to recovery quickly rather than left to flounder on a slow-recovering injury.

  • For the non athlete, these applications will be similar, set around functional goals and aspirations of betterment.

  • Often an interview online to discuss problems initially can be made and then appropriate action can then be made to follow up. This is found useful for many of my global clients.